Salted Fish Heads Down The Mountain

With this in mind, Salted Fish scoffed. He refused to believe that someone could beat him at shamelessness! Therefore he laughed out loud. "Hey, how is everybody! Having dinner?"

With that said, Salted Fish walked into the backyard like it was his home.

With such a loud voice and with him making a commotion, Fangzheng and company naturally couldn't keep feigning ignorance. However, Fangzheng had no intention to put down his bowl to chat. As he continued eating, he asked, "Salted Fish, what are you doing here?"

"What salted fish? I'm a carp! A carp! Remember that, a carp!" Salted Fish unhappily corrected Fangzheng's wrong choice of words, then he shot a glance at the rice pot on the table. His heart instantly winced as he cursed inwardly. "Are these bunch of grandsons rice buckets? How are they almost done with such a huge pot?"