The Monk That Suddenly Appeared

A police announcement suddenly sounded from outside. It was different from the other ones. It no longer sounded cordial and had a domineering tone to it. "This is the police. You are surrounded. You have already killed one person. Don't make things worse!"

The moment that was said, Wang Dayou yelled out in panic, "That man is dead?"

His thoughts of releasing his hostages were instantly quelled. He shouted. "I didn't kill… I didn't! I really didn't want to kill anyone…" At this point, Wang Dayou cried, but as he cried, he stared intently at Xia Jili and company. He knew very well that this was the only chip he had. Once they were released, he would only be met with endless disaster, starting with prison. Once he was doomed, his family would be doomed too.

Wang Dayou paced around inside, mumbling. Fangzheng listened by the side and gradually, he understood the situation.