Following Master Can Only Mean Starvation

"And then you still returned on a wheelchair?" Chen Yingying scoffed. It was clear what she meant—you got scammed!

Chen Danian frowned. "Yingying, don't say that. He's truly an erudite person! His medical skills are indescribable."

"Then are your legs alright?" Chen Yingying asked.

Chen Danian thought before shaking his head. Just as he was about to say something, Lu Yi said, "Uncle, there are many people these days who claim to be experts. They are everywhere. Even those fortune tellers on the streets claim to be descendants of Zhang Sanfeng to scam others. Didn't they mention it on television? There's no such thing as an erudite person these days. They are all conmen."

Chen Danian frowned. "I know very well whether Master is an erudite person or not. Speak no further. It's your big day today, so I won't be reprimanding the two of you."