So Many People

Each step Fangzheng took served to tense up Xi Liang's heart even more. Seeing that Fangzheng was about to vanish behind the door, an idea came to him as he yelled, "Master! Saving a life is better than building a seven-storied pagoda. There are countless people in the world who are gravely ill, some of them without money for treatment or even with untreatable illnesses. With your medical skills, don't you wish to do something for everyone? That would be a huge merit!"

Upon hearing the word 'merit,' Fangzheng came to a halt.

Perhaps Fangzheng knew the importance of merit better than anyone else in the world! With merit, one could nullify negative karma and increase one's light of providence. With merit, Fanzgheng could draw better prices. With merit, there was a chance for him to renounce asceticism!