He's My Daddy

Keke was so frightened she didn't dare say a word. Fangzheng patted her on the head and said, "Patron, don't worry. If he comes, This Penniless Monk will naturally talk to him."

When the woman heard that, her eyes seemed to flicker with hope as she gratefully said, "Thank you."

Fangzheng shook his head and asked, "Keke, what's the name of the man who lent you money? What does he look like?"

"He…" Just as Keke was about to say a word, they heard someone knocking on the door outside. The knock was very loud and very fast. It was obvious that the person came in a rather imposing way from the sound. Or it could be said that the person thought nothing of the people inside the house.

The color in Keke's face drained instantly as she said, "He… He's here."

Keke's mother also wore a look of worry as she said, "Keke, call the police. Quick, call the police!"

Keke cried and said, "Mommy, I've lost… the cell phone."