Domestic Affairs

As Fangzheng looked at the idiotic wolf running around, he subconsciously looked away and thought, "This Penniless Monk doesn't know him!"

When Wanderer Tranquil was done tidying up, everyone began eating. As there were many types of offerings, and Wanderer Tranquil specially cooked some porridge, Fangzheng and Lone Wolf had a great meal.

After the meal, Fangzheng got up in preparation to bid farewell. However, every time he raised his hands to say something, he would see the pureness and tranquility in Wanderer Tranquil's eyes, making him swallow back his words. This continued for a few times until Fangzheng finally said, "Amitabha. It's no longer early. This Penniless Monk has imposed on you for quite some time. It is time to leave."

Upon hearing this, a strange look flashed in Wanderer Tranquil's eyes. She then nodded slightly and said, "All good things come to an end. Let This Penniless Priest send you off."