The Monk Who Fears No Death

Meanwhile, Fangzheng looked calmly at the man in the checkered shirt. He had used his Wisdom Eye before interfering, so he knew that he wasn't a good person. None of his relatives were either. A black baneful aura lingered around all of them.

As for He Qing, her status was relatively normal. She had both a bit of a baleful aura as well as merit, so she could be considered an ordinary person. However, Fangzheng knew that it was impossible to tell who was right or wrong in this matter simply based on their baneful auras.

After all, his Wisdom Eye wasn't able to tell right from wrong. At times, bad people could be on the side of good while good people could commit wrongs. Therefore, Fangzheng had been watching by the side the entire time without being in a hurry to take action. Only when He Qing's life was threatened did he stop the man in the checkered shirt, Liu Yang.