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"Master, this is the first time I've ever seen people ask others to beat them. From the looks of it, these three really are sick, and it's rather serious." Red Boy held back his laughter as he pointed at his head, implying that the trio was sick in the head.

They turned red in anger in return.

Upon hearing that, everyone roared with laughter.

Someone in the crowd laughed softly and said, "As expected of Master Frivolous! He's really frivolous! When given permission to beat, he beats, and he does so with great aplomb!"

The rest giggled as well as they supported Fangzheng. "Master is really kind. He beats upon request, and he does it so well!"

"This was a first for me, even at my age, to see someone asking to be hit. Now that Master has satisfied their request, they should be feeling good."