Monk on the Lotus Flower

As the saying went, the poor feared the unreasonable, while the unreasonable feared the crazy! Although Bao Yuqing was a man, he was shocked when he saw Qiu Baihong storming towards him with chopping knife in hand. He immediately ran away!

The other two didn't dare stop her either as they quickly made way.

Hence, Bao Yuqing ran ahead as he yelled, "Help! Qiu Baihong wants to murder me!"

Qiu Baihong yelled behind him, "You f**king bastard. Don't run if you have what it takes! I'll dice you into pieces today!"

"Master, are we still going to watch? I think someone's about to die," Red Boy said, worried.

Fangzheng said lightly, "If a death could happen with the both of us present, we might as well just kill ourselves."

"Uh…" Red Boy was rendered speechless.