Applying for Leave

Having said that, Li Xueying felt that she had gone far enough, so she nodded and said, "But thank you for informing me. I'll get down to work now."

Li Xueying turned and left. She didn't bid her farewell, implying that she didn't want to meet her again.

The color in the actress's face drained. She knew very well that if Li Xueying thought badly of her in the crew, it would be the end of her career.

Li Xueying ignored the actress's thoughts and quickly got her cell phone from her assistant. Then she opened WeChat and opened the Moments tab. After finding Fangzheng's post, she revealed a warm smile on her somewhat weary and tense face caused by stress. She silently Liked Fangzheng's post before opening Weibo. Similarly, she added a Like on Fangzheng's Weibo post.

After that, Li Xueying reluctantly lowered her cell phone and looked at the script in her hand. Taking a deep breath, she decisively immersed herself in the battle of memorizing her lines.