Drawing The Lottery Again

"Oh my, does that mean Bodhisattva received my incense? Bodhisattva, please bless my family with peace, and make it so that I make a fortune in the year ahead…"

Meanwhile, Fangzheng looked up at the sky. As the incense offerings increased, a wisp of smoke rose up into the sky, forming a green dragon. It soared into the clouds and stayed there despite the strong northeastern winds of Laba.

Instantly, it garnered countless exclamations as all sorts of pictures were posted on WeChat Moments. The Internet was already paying attention to One Finger Monastery, so once the pictures and videos were posted, they immediately spread throughout the Internet. Countless people discussed One Finger Monastery.

Of course, there were always believers and doubters. However, that didn't even matter now. What mattered was that no one could stop One Finger Monastery from stealing the limelight!