Salted Fish Feels Guilty

"The two liquids are colorless and odorless, preventing them from being detected by machines. Once the appointed time is up, the two liquids will meet, and then… Boom! That would be the end of everything. Of course, my detonator can also speed this process up. Once I release it, the trigger will cause the two liquids to explode immediately. Naturally, I can also stop that from happening. If you don't believe me, why don't I release my grip and let all of you have a taste of it?" After saying that, the man was about to release his grip on the button.

All the color drained out of the stewardess's face as the pilot hurriedly said, "No! Sir, calm down! Please calm down! I believe that everything is negotiable!"

"Negotiable, my a**! Quickly pull the plane up! I'll tell you where my destination is. Don't try any tricks on me or I'll send all of you to meet God!" the man shouted with a ferocious expression. The mood on the plane instantly turned heavy.