Move Along Move Along

The granny was apparently even more excited. She had obviously recognized Fangzheng from the beginning and had never doubted his powers. However, not having doubts about them was completely different from experiencing them herself. She was quite healthy, and her excitement left her face ruddy as she walked with a much brisker pace. However, she wasn't someone who had much to say. All she did was follow with a smile.

Shortly after they left, everyone saw a salted fish running over. It would jump every few steps and cough with sparks being emitted… The feeling it gave off was as if it were a miniature version of a fire-spewing dragon from Hollywood movies.

Once Salted Fish ran over, he saw Fangzheng remove the black cloth bag and lay it out.

After Salted Fish stared at Fangzheng for a while, he obediently lay down, and allowed himself to be wrapped by Fangzheng. He was then hung over his shoulder.