Salted Fish-Styled Massage

Dinh couldn't help but let himself get pushed to the forefront of the charge, while the last rifle-wielding man was trying to pose coolly, thinking that a slaughter fest was going to take place. But to his surprise, what faced him was a stampede!

Before he could even use his rifle, he was pummeled to the ground by the horde. Then, his head was trampled on by an assault of feet, and he fell unconscious.

"Humans are such a bunch of cowardly fellows." Inside the massive kitchen, Salted Fish was the only one left.

This fellow jumped down from the stove and walked across the table, searching for something nice to eat before heading outside.

The three criminals who had been trampled finally regained consciousness. As they shook their heads and looked up, they happened to see a figure approaching them.

The trio had been well-trained, so they immediately drew their revolvers and pointed them, roaring. "Don't move!"