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"You Chinese have a saying: Death won't happen if you don't seek it!" Red Shirt was truly enraged. He had killed the moment he arrived to assert his dominance and control the situation. He didn't wish to kill too many people because these people were his chips. However, he knew even better that no deaths meant being unable to suppress these people! Therefore, he had to abandon some hostages to serve as a warning and make them respect his authority.

He had investigated Fangzheng and knew he was famous in China. Regardless of whether his reputation was fabricated or not, he was indeed well-known. Such a person was definitely of value when used as a chip for negotiation. Therefore, he didn't immediately kill Fangzheng upon sight.

However, Fangzheng repeatedly challenged the authority he had painstakingly established. He had no choice but to kill.

Red Shirt got up and raised his hand. A subordinate handed him a revolver as he slowly came in front of Fangzheng.