Almost Forgotten About Him

The man looked at Fangzheng as though he was a retard and said, "That's only a legend. It's not even certain that Bodhisattva exists in this world…" Upon saying that, the man suddenly recalled that everything in this temple in front of him 'shouldn't exist in this world.' Could there really be a Bodhisattva in this world?

"This Penniless Monk swears that Guan Yin Bodhisattva does exist." Fangzheng resorted to an equivocation. He did not mention in which world Bodhisattva existed.

The man didn't understand either. He knew that the credibility of monks when they swore was very high. Hence, he nodded and said, "So what?"

Fangzheng continued. "This child used to be a mountain king, a demon. He liked to eat people for no reason. After following Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva found this child very stubborn and intractable, so she threw him to This Penniless Monk."

The man suddenly had an ominous feeling.