Samurai Sword Test

The doctor waved his hand, and a soldier brought a basin of water.

As for the good-hearted children who Yamamoto was placing his hopes on, they came over with interest. It was as though the object of study used for the experiment wasn't human but an actual lab rat!

At that moment, a child suddenly cried.

The doctor frowned and asked, "Kawashima, why are you crying?"

Kawashima said amidst sobs, "Sensei, that rat died too tragically just now. He sacrificed himself for the progress of our human race. I was sad for his death."

It was only then that Yamamoto saw that there was a dissected lab rat at the table they had been surrounding before. He sneered inwardly. "This white-robed demon sure doesn't think it's sad!"

However, what surprised him was that the doctor nodded and rubbed Kawashima's head. "You're right. These small animals have sacrificed too much for the advancement of humans. Shall we build a memorial for them later?"