Deathly Comeuppance

"Calm down. Hurry up and do some PR. Send money to the media and make them shut up!" Luo Hao's wife said anxiously.

"It's too late. The news has already spread. The entire country is boycotting our food products. A few large shopping malls just called us. They are taking all our goods from the shelves!"

"Manager Lu, Manager Chen called to say that the order has been canceled. They don't dare to buy goods from a weeaboo. They are afraid that they would be criticized by others."

"Manager Lu, Old Li's entire team has resigned."

"Manager Lu, thank you for taking care of me all these years, but I can't tolerate working for a weeaboo. My wife said that she'll divorce me if I don't resign. I'm sorry, bye… I hope we never meet again."

Du… Du…

"Damn it! Damn it!" Luo Hao tried his best to let out a roar, but he only mustered a weak whimper.