
"Mr. Chen!" County Head Qi was given a fright. Chen Fan was from Beijing after all. If something were to happen to him, it would be fatal!

If he were to fly into a rage, One Finger Monastery would suffer as well. He could not understand why Jingxin was so bold. F**k, if the sky were to collapse, he would probably be the first to be crushed to death.

However, when County Head Qi ran out to take a look, he saw Mr. Chen sitting outside One Finger Monastery in a daze.

County Head Qi ran over and asked in concern, "Mr. Chen, are you alright?"

Chen Fan's identity was a secret, so it wasn't appropriate for County Head Qi to call him by his official title. He had no choice but to address him as mister.

However, what surprised County Head Qi the most was that Chen Fan, who had been thrown out, wasn't angry. Instead, he gave himself two slaps and said, "Sigh, I should have known! I actually tried to bribe a young monk… This fall was good! It woke me up!"