How Fast Can You Run?

County Head Qi continued, "Therefore, the current negotiations basically consist of half the United Nations. And everyone's wish is very simple. They are willing to compensate for your loss of reputation and are willing to globally apologize to you. However, they also have a request."

Fangzheng immediately understood when he heard that there was an additional request. He did not say a word and continued waiting.

County Head Qi said, "They want China to make public your medical knowledge."

Fangzheng smiled and drank a mouthful of Frost Bamboo tea. "And then?"

County Head Qi kept staring at Fangzheng. Seeing that Fangzheng didn't react, he didn't know what Fangzheng was thinking. Instead, he probed Fangzheng. "Master, aren't you angry at their impolite request?"

Fangzheng put down his teacup and said, "Angry? They made a request. They aren't stealing from me. Why should I be angry?"