Master Is Here

At that moment, Wei Shengli hurriedly supported Wei Xiaolin and ran outwards.

The firefighters came over to help. The firefighters carried Wei Xiaolin and ran quickly, while Wei Shengli followed closely behind.

As the group was running, Wei Shengli suddenly heard a low roar. Wei Shengli turned his head to look, but he saw a huge tree collapse and block a cave. A giant black bear was howling inside.

"Old Black?" Wei Shengli ran over to help, but his shout was drowned by the howling wind and fire.

The firefighters saw that the fire was chasing after them and had run off with another ranger. They didn't pay attention to where Wei Shengli was going. By the time they turned around, Wei Shengli was gone!

"Where's Wei Shengli?" the captain asked.

"He was just behind me a moment ago! In the blink of an eye, he disappeared!" someone said.