Disgusting them

Upon seeing the monk's impervious look, everyone was infuriated. All of them rushed forward in a bid to beat him.

The senior who had previously stopped Jiang Yumeng shouted, "Darn baldy, I'll kill you for slandering Master Hairwood! No one can save you today! Even if it's a dream, I'll kill you!"

"Yes, beat him to death!"

The others echoed.

Fangzheng wasn't nervous when he heard that. He picked up the teacup and took a sip leisurely. "Patron, don't be too full of yourself. Are you sure that no one can save This Penniless Monk?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him! Attack him!" The senior shouted as he led a group of people and charged forward.

At that moment, a golden beam of light appeared behind the monk. A golden-armored giant walked out. He was three meters tall and his arms were thicker than the senior's waist!

More importantly, the golden-armored giant held a 40-meter-long saber!

The large saber was there like a wall.