Such a Dog

Wang Yougui glared at Dog Song who hurriedly shut up. He silently moved the timber.

Upon hearing the woman's words, Fangzheng's face blushed slightly. However, he could also tell that the woman's words were mostly to express her acknowledgment of him. Of course, he was also somewhat curious. If he were to renounce asceticism, would she really be willing to be with him?

Lone Wolf, who had followed Fangzheng down, whispered, "Master, do it. After you get married, you will be rich…"

Fangzheng secretly kicked his butt as he whispered, "Marry? What do I use to marry her? People nowadays need to have a house and a car just to marry an ordinary lady. This lady… I reckon I'll need to buy an island and an aircraft carrier…"

Lone Wolf said decisively, "It's such a waste of money. So why are we even talking about this? Master, let's go home."

Fangzheng: "…"