What is Master doing?

Just as Salted Fish was stuffing things in, he had long forgotten the lie he had said before. When he heard Red Boy ask, he was clearly stunned.

However, as a wily old fox, Salted Fish could just lie. What could you do about his lying? Hence, Salted Fish said matter-of-factly, "My space can grow. And now, it has grown to this size. Any problem with that?"

Red Boy rolled his eyes. "As if I'll believe you. Why don't you blush when you lie?"

Salted Fish rolled his eyes as well. "You expect a salted fish to blush? Do you think you are Buddha?"

Red Boy: "…"

Just as the two of them were bickering, Dog Song suddenly ran out and chuckled. "Jingxin, Jingzhi, don't be in a rush to leave. I have a guest living at my place. He specializes in collecting all sorts of circuit boards. When I said that you wanted such things, he said that he has a lot of it. He will give however much you want!"