Change Target; Select A Weak One

Song Ming smiled bitterly. "It's reliable, but it's useless. We don't have any evidence to prove that Hiei Premium Tea is the result of man-made genetic modifications. They claimed that they were using the best breed of tea that had been nurtured for a hundred years. Furthermore, the Japanese are very trusted in Europe. The Europeans believe them."

Muddle Tang said, "That means that this competition is basically doomed. Therefore, you came to Mt. One Finger to seek the tea. You want to know if this Frost Bamboo tea can breathe in life for Chinese tea leaves?"

Song Ming nodded. "Yes, it's hope. I hope it doesn't turn into despair."

Tang Chen said, "I heard that Frost Bamboo tea was invested in by a Chinese company in Southeast Asia… Unfortunately, if we had known that there was such tea, we would have invested ourselves."