Supporting the Monk Together

When Li Daguang and the others saw this, they could not hold it in any longer and burst out laughing…

Germany's Yalman roared with laughter. "Aiyo, Ottosky, can you be any gentler? Haha…"

Ottosky blushed and glared at him. "Shut up! If you continue harping about it, I will fight you!"

Ottosky was relatively young among them. He was forty-nine years old. In his words, he was only in his forties—very young.

However, Ottosky had a very high status and background. As such, Yalman and company didn't dare to underestimate him.

They interacted as equals…

Hearing Ottosky roar, Yalman laughed, "Forget it. If there's a chance in the future, you can fight my grandson. But now, let's get down to business."

"Venerable One, we're here to ask for tea. We're willing to spend a lot of money to buy Frost Bamboo tea. As for the price, I'm willing to pay a 500,000 yuan for half a kilogram."