That's the Smell

Yalman said, "I feel like I'm in heaven here… No, I guess in Buddhism, it's called Paradise."

Li Daguang said, "I never expected such a miraculous monastery to exist on this tiny mountain. The morning bell and evening drum cleanses the mind. Just this alone makes me a fan of One Finger Monastery."

After saying that, Li Daguang took out his cell phone and started taking photos. Then, he posted them on his WeChat Moments.

When the rest saw this, they took out their phones and posted it on their Facebook or blogs…

At the same time, Baird sighed. "I take back what I said previously. Although I haven't met Abbot Fangzheng, just hearing the bell and drum from earlier, makes me feel that he's a godly person. I'll fulfill my promise. I'll do publicity for him in Brazil! Such a beautiful place, such a sacred place, such a place to cleanse one's soul and purify evil. Brazilians have to pay a visit!"