I'm Very Generous

Fangzheng said, "It's very simple. Stop the damaging attempts and compensate me."

Orante said, "I still have to compensate when I didn't do anything?"

Fangzheng threw up his hands. "You know very well what you did. Of course, you don't have to compensate. After all your father said that as long as you aren't killed, This Penniless Monk has free reign over you. Jingxin, bring the cucumber over."

Jingxin handed Fangzheng a cucumber as Fangzheng took it without any hesitation and smacked it at the phone.


Orante felt an icy pain on his face. He covered his face with his hands and was surprised to find that he had been slapped by a cucumber!

"Orante, why is there a cucumber on your face?" Orna covered her mouth, her face filled with disbelief.

Orante said angrily, "Fangzheng, you actually used a cucumber to insult me?"

Just as he said that, Fangzheng picked up a hammer and asked, "What did you say?"