Large Scale Construction

Furthermore, Fangzheng wasn't running a tourist attraction. There was no need for him to make an elevator charge to earn money.

Therefore, Fangzheng decisively shook his head and said, "Forget about that. Mt. One Finger isn't that high. If they really wish to come, it only takes an hour. Compared to the famous mountain that requires an entire day's climb, it's already very easy. As for the elevator, it really destroys the scenery. Furthermore, there's no need to."

Wang Yougui nodded when he heard that. "I share the same thoughts. Since you have said so, it's decided. By the way, when do you plan on expanding the monastery? If you expand it, the monastery will probably be locked up for a while. There's so much timber and labor workers that will be up the mountain. If there are visitors, there will be danger."

Fangzheng said, "Then do it quick. To be honest, This Penniless Monk has been looking forward to this day."