Demons and Humans

There was a door by the side. Tour Guide Li opened the door after leading everyone on a tour of the rocks and said, "This is the lounge. Everyone, come in and rest. Wait for me here. Don't walk around."

Fangzheng rolled his eyes when he heard that. Tour Guide Li had a bad memory. She had just said that they could tour around casually, but in a blink of an eye, she told them to not walk around and to wait for her.

The visitors did not seem to mind. They followed her into the room.

The room was very big—a conference hall. There were chairs inside, and everyone put down their backpacks and sat down. Some went to get some water and some people were using their phones.

There was a podium in front of them. There was a television by the podium. On the television, there was a video of an interview. From the logo, it was a huge, authoritative television station. The old man in the interview was the man on the photo outside.