Gas Station? Where?

"In that case, This Penniless Monk can help you find him," said Fangzheng.

"Thank you…"

"Jingzhi, find a chain."

Salted Fish asked in puzzlement, "For what?"

Fangzheng said, "Tow the car. Why don't we sell you for gasoline?"

Salted Fish grinned. "Forget it. China's gasoline is the most expensive in the world. I can't afford it. Speaking of which, Master, can you afford a car?"

Fangzheng was slightly taken aback before he realized bitterly that he really could not afford a car!

However, even if he left the car in the monastery, he couldn't let it run around. If not, the car might really be torn apart and dissected.

Scrapped Car suddenly felt like it had been tricked… This monk looked very poor!

However, compared to starving, Scrapped Car decided to follow Fangzheng.