Is This Road Not Open?

Xi said, "Xu Nian, what are you shouting for?"

Xu Nian spat out a mouthful of blood and said, "F*ck, what can I do if I don't accept it? If you get released, wouldn't my beating be for nothing? If the two old dogs talk, you'll kick me out… Since there's no future, I won't be joining you anymore. What can I not say? We make imitation liquor! The imitation liquor they made has even killed people!"

The moment that was said, Xi flew into a rage and shouted, "What f**king nonsense are you spouting?"

Second Uncle cursed angrily, "You little brat, don't f**king spout nonsense!"

Third Uncle followed. "Do you believe that I will kill you?"

The policeman quickly said, "Cuff them!"

Then, Xi and the others were immediately cuffed. The police brought Xu Nian to a police car alone.

Before getting into the car, Xu Nian was still smiling. "Hehe, I hadn't joined when the batch that killed someone was made. But I know of it. You're done for!"