This Monk Is Engaging in Assault!

At the same time, the BMW driver subconsciously stopped paying…

The others looked over…

Behind them, there was a monk dressed in tattered clothes. He looked young and familiar, but they could not recall where they had seen him before.

"Little Monk, I advise you to pretend that you didn't see anything and return to your car," said the baldy.

Fangzheng smiled. "Amitabha. Thank you for your kind intentions, Patron. However, This Penniless Monk did see this patron take out a lame chicken and throw it behind the tires. Since This Penniless Monk saw it, he can't possibly not say it, right?"

Upon hearing that, the BMW driver suddenly said, "Venerable One, forget it… Just treat it as me running it over. Let's leave quickly."

Clearly, the driver knew that Fangzheng was helping him. He also knew that it wasn't as simple as running a chicken over. This was equivalent to having encountered a bandit. Without money, he couldn't leave.