The Low Profile Author

Zhao Youyue did not have much expectation in this novel. Interest-wise, she had little almost to none in this genre. However, as she read on, she could not stop herself from continuing reading this piece. She caught up to the latest update in just a day, how she wished the author could update the latest chapter quicker, this novel had no less than 400,000 words!

Without any delay, Zhao Youyue tipped the author and realized there were already seven Sect Masters who tipped the author earlier on. Even though the current novel was not as popular as the previous titles that featuring "LoL", it was more than enough to maintain a steady flow of income to the author, at least a few 10,000 RMB.

Obviously, Rosemary wanted to forge a new path with this latest novel, "The Strongest King". In order to produce a quality intellectual property, the author had to give up on "LoL" and created an original game, so that he could have a chance to work with the big shots.