Flattering Zhao Youyue

The winter holidays had ended.

Zhao Youyue had gained a big reward during her winter holidays, which was getting closer to her cousins Zhao Hao and Zhang Wanjun. The red packets given by these two cousins were pretty decent since one of them was not short of money while the other one was a famous uploader in Bilibili, the advertisement fees could already support her, hence they would not be stingy on Zhao Youyue.

This was also because Zhao Youyue had shown them something impressive, thus they had acknowledged her.

For instance, she became "Yu Shengfan" in the cyber cafe and saved Zhao Hao from embarrassment, which satisfied this young master of Zhao family who was a braggart. He acknowledged Zhao Youyue as part of the Zhao family, unlike how he used to ignore this little cousin who had no sense of presence.

How did one have no sense of presence at all?