Irreversible fate

Han Leng really felt like giving himself a tight slap.

He loved "The Strongest King" as well, but why did words become so much different upon leaving his mouth...

Perhaps he was a little jealous as Zhao Youyue rarely promoted a book so passionately?

Or.. probably because he was writing the works of the same genre as Rosemary, who had however gained so much fame with only this "The Strongest King", while he was still struggling with his hollow literature which made him feel like throwing up...

In fact, Han Leng had been engrossed in "The Strongest King". He quickly corrected himself, "No, I like this literary work too! Especially that character Yu Shengfan whose nickname was 'Xiao Yu'! But can't you see? This character outshines everyone, slowly becoming the star of this novel. This way quite an impact on the novel! You gotta be careful about jumping to conclusion that this story would have a happy ending."