Yu Shengfan must not be buried!

Zhao Youyue was curious about the story of her old mama and Liu Yuxi. Curious, but not curious enough for her to shake of her slothfulness and find things out herself.

Besides, that could wait, for more urgent matters were at hand. She had decided to dabble with live-streaming.

Live-streaming was getting more developed lately. Top tiers streamers had the same influential power as idols. They were also making comparatively good money. A monthly income involving millions of dollars was no longer a joke, but reality.

Of course, these top streamers did not give a person the right to generalize the entire industry as so, there were a lot of failures beneath them as well. Many people have tried and failed, and they had no choice but to pass on this seemingly lucrative opportunity. Live-streaming had its share of fierce competitions, pressure, and feuds.