An Extremely High Rating

Well, Zhao Youyue has now managed to witness the hypocritical side of the top students' study group. Even though most of the people in the group agreed to meet up for lunch, except Zhao Youyue, only five of them showed up in the end. They had all sorts of excuses such as urgent matters coming up, or parents coming to visit them.

Zhao Youyue included, that made six people, three guys, and three girls.

The three guys included Wang Zongchao and Guo Peisheng, and a certain Cao Yuan. He was big and tall. Apparently, he played basketball pretty well, and could still maintain his good grades, which were among the top twenty.

The other two girls were Xu Na, and Shen Menglian, both of their names sounded awfully familiar because they were always in the top ten positions, and both of them always had first place in their respective classes.