Various Speculations

Well, it only served to prove that Zhao Youyue's taste was good, for Ye Hai, Li Mengyao and Su Li had a pleasant dinner. They were happier, especially after knowing that one had to book this restaurant several days prior, feeling an overwhelming sensation of superiority with every bite.

Ye Hai had intended to invite Lady Zhao to this dinner. But, Su Li knew that Zhao Youyue, as a high school student, had to go to school today.

"What! Lady Zhao is still a high school student? Are all high school students today as rich as she is?" Ye Hai was shocked.

Li Mengyao then added "Wouldn't it be improper to tip so much for Ah Hai's book at her age? Wouldn't she be scolded by her parents? Already spending so recklessly without any income…"