You’re definitely Chosen!

How could Ye Hai possibly forget the feeling of being 'intoxicated,' in the first place?

Words would not be able to describe it. That was a very unnatural state, just like the author himself entering his own literary world, seen the plot develop with his own eyes, as well as the joys and sorrows of the character itself...

Then, he would simlpy write down everything that he has seen. Written text was the best state of reflection. Be it the words and sentences, or rhetorical devices, all those would be applied most appropriately. Even in that frenzy, no typo would ever occur!

To be honest, Ye Hai himself missed that kind of state as well. It was indeed intoxicating and addictive, as if his hands would move by themselves, the moment he sits down in front of the computer and places his hands on the keyboard.

There would be no doubt, no fear, no hesitation.