Han Leng’s growth

Han Leng nearly forgot his true purpose. He was a little carried away, which made it seem like he was trying to tease Zhao Youyue. However, he had failed to do so.

Zhao Youyue was The Saintly Yue. She could not catch on to the implication of his words.

She did not know that Han Leng had gone through a great romance with her in his imagination. Now, he was dumping her, and she was now his ex-girlfriend…

Sometimes, humans would behave in such a childish way. For instance, they would show off to their exes when they have found a better partner. This was what Han Leng did, just then.

Unfortunately, Zhao Youyue took it as a show. She perceived the teasing as a way of saying that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. She understood that the youngsters in the pubescent stage loved to beautify their partners.