Forever Remembering Her Weeping

What is this contrasting change of events?

This was how Jiang Qing felt, reading the latest development!

"Chu Luoxun," who always appeared with a brilliant smile like the sun and brought warmth to everybody, broke down and cried!

There was not any sense of violating the Goddess' privacy at all, as Leng Zi used his exquisite writing style to describe in detail the hopelessness felt by "Chu Luoxun" when she lost sensation in her lower body, with her hands being unable even to support her body. The level of detail practically flung readers into her shoes!

This was because Han Leng was in an "Intoxicated state" at that time. Therefore, he could clearly experience the fear and hopelessness of "Chu Luoxun" at that moment. The creepy surroundings around her did not help one bit.