A Situation Happened, due to a Leave Application

Zhao Youyue did not expect Han Leng to be in the 'Chu Luoxun' gang as well. It looks like her possessed 'Chu Luoxun' has now gained enough existence within "Beautiful April." Its influence has even exceeded the hero and heroine.

Zhao Youyue felt conflicted over this, because she very much liked the dog food sweetness of the hero and heroine. Now, this dog food plot seemed to be getting outdated...The bigger the influence that Chu Luoxun had, the more benefits she had in shaping this character.

Even the fans of Lin Meiyue were hanging on to every word that could possibly determine 'Chu Luoxun''s fate.

The sweet dog food of the hero and heroine, and 'Chu Luoxun's tragedy. The juxtaposition only served to enhance the impact of the latter's predicament further.

Time flowed by, and Zhao Youyue successfully requested for leave on that Saturday to participate in the provincial violin competition finals.