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This time, Su Li had unknowingly fallen into the trap of deceit together with many others, as she was also a normal reader of "Beautiful April," who would never see what comes next. She was not prepared for all the blame that would be pushed onto her by the no-lifers, but considering the fact that she had willingly made an announcement about her new illustrator's job, who is to be blamed but herself?

Well, if it makes things any better, at least many other readers would feel exactly the same right now and can relate to Su Li on an emotional level. A good example was Jiang Qing, as she had always been overwhelmingly passionate about "Beautiful April" since its release, and was also a proud die-hard Chu Luoxun fan. Considering how brutally Leng Zi concluded Chu Luoxun's death right before the story ended, how could anyone not be mentally scarred by it?