Do You Think That You are Chu Luoxun?

When Han Leng saw this long-haired, beautiful young girl, he thought that he was seeing things. Wasn't this what Chu Luoxun would wear on a daily basis, as she had so often appeared in his mind during his "intoxicated state"?

Was he having an episode of "intoxicated state" again? Or did he miss her so much that he was losing his senses?

He quickly rubbed his eyes and slapped his cheeks. However, his antics caught Teacher Chu's attention. He just glared at him and went on with his speech…

After a while, Han Leng managed to recollect his thoughts, and realized that the girl beside him was not Goddess Chu, but Lady Zhao who he especially did not want to meet!

Soon, he lost interest. No one could affect his love for Goddess Chu, not even the long-haired version of Zhao Youyue!

In other words, his heart had died along with the death of Chu Luoxun. He was even more obsessed with her now, thinking of her every day.