New Deskmates

Yang Liqun had taught Bai Yunshan mathematics the previous year, but he was not her class teacher back then. However, he had long heard of her attitude. He was most impressed by the that she was not only strict on others, but even more so on herself. That's the so-called definition of leading by example.

He knew about Shen Menglian too, and was aware of her solid results. But, was this an excuse for her to disregard the teacher?

In order to fortify his position, he immediately asked Shen Menglian to stand up and listen to his admonitory talk attentively. On this first day, she had been subject to humiliation in a class full of strangers.

This only intensified her grudge against Zhao Youyue. At the same time, she could not understand why a perfectionist like Bai Yunshan would cover up for Zhao Youyue.

Did they already know each other?