Such a Mischievous Person

As thick-skinned as she was, Zhao Youyue did not take the words of Bai Yunshan personally. If she does not get caught in action, the teacher would never be able to take any actions on her, even if Bai Yunshan snitches on her. They could not do anything as long as she does not admit it…

For Zhao Youyue, there was not much difference between the tenth grade and the eleventh grade. She still leisurely enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of the school and went according to her pace, as usual. Meanwhile, she waited for the next activation of the "Two Dimensional Gate."

The wily girl, Shen Menglian, thought that she had fallen into Zhao Youyue's best friend graces, because she got to eat her snacks while reading the magazine together with her and discuss the latest horoscope readings. This was what friends do, right?