Dark Horse

The crowd believed that Zhao Youyue's stamina had finally caved in, after seeing her finally slow down towards the end. Yu Jia, the sports student, who would never quit was almost catching up to her. Ultimately, she failed, her body having met its limits.

In reality, Yu Jia was a sports student, through and through. She had the stamina and athletism to be called one. Because she had been thrown off her tempo by Zhao Youyue's cheats, she was out of the running. Otherwise, she could have won the race, even against a "Zhou Chun Card" empowered Zhao Youyue.

The card would never take Zhao Youyue over her limit, she would only be able to perform as well as she usually could, only for a greatly extended period of time. Even that cheat had been greatly depowered, as her beloved car was not with her…

Therefore, Zhao Youyue did not break any records. She had even broken the rules by drinking water during the race.

That aside, everyone was left greatly astonished!