On Headline!

Hang Yongming struggled to believe his eyes. Were all female high school students these days, witches?

Such remarkable talent!

Through the lens of the camera, Hang Yongming caught sight of a particular pair of hands.

At that moment, all doubts that lingered in his heart vanished into thin air. Ah Yu was known for her flawless hands, and those hands were enough to prove that she was Ah Yu!

He wanted those pair of flawless hands, in so many ways. Just by looking at them stirred up strong emotions in his heart. Such beauty was truly irresistible.

Yet, he was astounded that Xiao Yu was still a female high school student. In his heart, he had always respected Ah Yu as an elder who shared his aspirations. He never expected her to be about his age, or even younger, possibly.

Xiao Yu was unlikely to be a senior year student; she would not have the time to perform in live broadcasts.