Ghostwriting Exposed!

"Xue Er, I'll be honest with you, you know that I love books, I just fell in love with Wen Qingyu's literary work, recently! After all, I can't disappoint a great book and a beauty, so don't overreact about it! I've always treated you and the others equally; I'd never favor one more than another!" Shi Jingnian replied Lu Xue candidly; he would never lie to them.

It only made Lu Xue even angrier, "Quit the nonsense! I know that Wen Qingyu is the most popular character in the novel, her illustration went viral on the internet! She's your own creation! Is this how you're going to humor me? How lame!"

"Xue Er, you don't understand. Wen Qingyu gave birth to her own soul; she comes to life right inside the pages, she's gained her own will of doing things..."

"Scram!" Lu Xue used her 'rich daughter' status and cut him off, "I'll give you another chance, break up with Lin Shiya within a month, or you're gonna regret this!" Lu Xue then hung up the phone on him.